I’m a software developer with deep experience in Python programming, web applications, PostgreSQL, and Redis. My mission is to help every developer build a meaningful career.
Contact Me
You can find me on Twitter and GitHub. Or email me: a AT andrewbrookins.com.
I wrote The Temple of Django Database Performance to help Django developers level up their database performance skills. If you’re a Django developer, you should totally buy it!
The working title for my next book is Planet of the Redis Lords. Check out the example code for the book for a preview!
Software Development
I’ve worked for over ten years as a software developer. A couple of years ago, I charted ten years of learning investments related to my career.
Most of my experience is with Python. I compared mixins in Ruby and Python. I’ve also explored how Django’s StreamingHttpResponse works.
In my free time I kick it with my family (photo below). Our first daughter was born in 2012, and our second was born in 2019. They’re both absolutely bonkers, and I love them.
I’ve written a few public letters to my first daughter, like Dear Alma: How to Quit Drinking.